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Category: For Women Vets

Vet Suicide Update

Female Vet Rate 250% Higher Than Non-Vet.

According to newly released statistics from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), a female veteran is 2.5 times more likely to commit suicide than a non-veteran American adult woman. This U.S. veteran suicide statistics report analyzed suicide data for all 50 states, looking at the cross-sections of age and gender as well as the most common suicide methods. Among the top findings of the report:

  • The highest rate of veteran suicides occur in Western states—most happen in the heaviest populated areas in the country.
  • 65 percent of all veterans who committed suicide were 50 years or older.
  • The female veteran suicide rate is 250 percent higher than that for non-veteran females.

“Every Veteran suicide is a tragic outcome,” The VA said in one of the facts sheets of the report. “Regardless of the numbers, one Veteran suicide is too many. VA is leading national efforts to understand suicide risk factors, develop evidence-based intervention strategies, and provocatively identify and care for Veterans who are in crisis or at a risk for suicide.” Other key findings in the report:

  • In 2014, an average of 20 veterans died by suicide every day.
  • In 2014, about 67 percent of all veteran deaths by suicide were the result of firearm injuries.
  • Behind firearm injuries, poison is the second most common method.
  • From 2001 to 2014, the suicide rate among all veterans increased by 31.1 percent.

With the shocking statistics of female veteran deaths by suicide, the VA has made efforts to cater to female veterans by developing the Women Veterans Call Center, a free resource to call or chat anonymously with online. The center receives on average 80 calls per day and makes 1,000 daily calls to women veterans. The call center is available Monday through Friday 8am-10pm ET and Saturdays 8am-6:30pm ET at 855-829-6636.

“We can all play 53 a role in preventing suicide and it doesn’t require a grand gesture of complicated task,” the VA said on its suicide prevention website. “Your actions can help someone going through a tough time to feel less alone.”

Source: The Daily Dot | Brianna Stone | September 19, 2017

How many women Veterans have PTSD?

Among women Veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, almost 20 of every 100 (or 20%) have been diagnosed with PTSD. We also know the rates of PTSD in women Vietnam Veterans. An important study found that about 27 of every 100 female Vietnam Veterans (or 27%) suffered from PTSD sometime during their postwar lives. To compare, in men who served in Vietnam, about 31 of every 100 (or 31%) developed PTSD in their lifetime.

Veteran’s Fact Sheet

Veteran’s Fact Sheet

Suicide Rate by Women Vets is 12 times greater than civilians


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