VA hospitalized veteran
Giving Level | Soldiers Helped | Amount |
Squad | 10 | $100 |
Platoon | 20 | $200 |
Company | 100 | $1,000 |
Battalion | 1,000 | $10,000 |
Brigade | 5,000 | $50,000 |
Division | 15,000 | $150,000 | To donate by check, make your check payable to Songs and Stories, Inc. and send it to:
Buy Xanax Uk Songs and Stories for Soldiers, Inc.1224 Kittiwake Cir.
Sanibel, FL 33957
Responses to Songs and Stories for Soldiers' MP3 Program
Sandusky, Ohio
Kevin Knappins, Program Ministry Director from our Sandusky, Ohio Salvation Army emailed this statement about the MP3 players at their 500 bed Retirement facility:
“The veterans are really enjoying them, the volunteers are downloading individual programming for each veteran. We presented the MP3 players on Veterans Day – we were able to show God’s love and see it reflected in the eyes of those we serve. It has been a blessing all around.” Mr. Knappins reports that the retired veterans are continuously thanking us. Going on visitation at the Sandusky VA retirement facility and watching the veterans with their MP3 players is such a joy!, NY VA Yes, things went really well with the mp3 players! The veterans were so very glad to receive them and were thrilled by the nice additional gift. In fact, after we ran out we had people coming up and asking if there were more. So to say they were a hit would be an understatement.
Cleveland, Ohio
By Alprazolam Online Louis B. Stokes Veteran’s Hospital:
The Cleveland VA Hospital has been so grateful for the MP3 players. Some patients have been discharged and kept their MP3 players close by them. They have learned to work them and are amazed that they “got it.” One veteran says he carries his with him wherever he goes. The Cleveland Louis B. Stokes Hospital personnel indicates how meaningful and useful they have been for use in the chemotherapy lab. The veterans are able to somewhat relax as they are going through their treatment.
Xanax Online Australia God Bless You and thank you!!!! Major Diana Capanna, BSW, ACSW
The Philadelphia, PA VA They were a hit with the veterans. They love them & use them all the time. They were really happy!
Leonard M Jennings Elementary School
Buy Xanax From Canada Online The children at Leonard M Jennings Elementary School, grades K-6, had a "Valentine's Day for Veterans" fund raiser during the month of February.
Today the class leaders and key personnel presented me a donation check for $145.26 towards the purchase of MP3 players. I thanked them all for their energy and service to our community. I am writing an article to submit to our local newspaper along with pictures.
The principal is Travis Howell and school counselor is Ms. Chris Carney who believed in Songs and Stories for Soldiers as a worthy and significant project benefiting our military personnel. Respectfully,
Steve Aspenwall, SCPO, USN Retired Erskine Payton Dan,
It's a great operation. They are so proud to be working and having a future with those who care. It's beautiful. Charlotte & I will try and assist with serving at least once a month. I have a few MP3's left but gave out 80. I'm OK for now. Dan I wish you could have been there. I've never seen anyone more appreciative. I never knew just how important this project was until I served and handed them out. What a wonderful group of men and women. (I also heard first hand about the VA in Phoenix) We should be ashamed and disgraced to treat our veterans in such an uncaring manner.
Thank You & May God Bless You,
VA Facility, Altoona, PA The audio book that was pre-loaded on the MP3 was about terrorist trying to take over the U.S. The title of the book is "The Brotherhood of the Red Nile: A Terrorist Perspective". They felt that this book was inappropriate & would not have been good for some of their veterans who are suffering from PTSD. Instead of just giving us back the players, they are loading other books on them.
Comment from Songs & Stories We know that we can’t please all the people, all the time, but we are excited that they on their own, decided to add different content from the 100,000 books on the web site.
VA Central Western MA Healthcare System Hello Mr. Perkins!
I want to let you know that volunteers with The Salvation Army are here at our VA medical center today to distribute some of your MP3 players. Ours is primarily a VA facility that has provided Psychiatric / Mental Health care to Veterans since the 1920’s after WWI.
Alprazolam Online Order We currently have two in-patient units that are loaded with young men and women who served in these latest wars. Many of them have PTSD &/or TBI and suffer from issues of getting a good night’s sleep. You are spot on with your gift! I wish I knew how to put into words how much gratitude we have for having you include our patients in your very generous project.
Xanax Online CanadaCan I Order Xanax Online Legally A thousand thank you’ s doesn’t seem like it covers it!
Buy Herbal Xanax Online You support is so very much appreciated.
Buy Alprazolam Online Overnight Delivery Anne M. Murray
Voluntary Services Manager
Territorial Community Care Ministries, VAVS, Women's Auxiliary and Older Adult Ministries Secretary
Thank you for sharing this wonderful ministry with me. I have looked over the web site and greatly appreciate all that you are doing for our veterans. What a unique and touching ministry.
I will forward the information to those who work directly with Veterans and VA facilities. And I will encourage them to look into the possibility of securing these MP3 players for those Veterans they work with.
Again, thank you for this opportunity to work along side of the Songs and Stories for Soldiers program. Marcia C. Smith
Lt. Colonel For more information, contact View contributors