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We received a copy of a survey of the Warriors in Transition Unit at Ft. Stewart. We did not ask for the study, but they were kind enough to share the results. They wanted to find out if the soldiers were using the MP-3 that we supplied through The Landings Military Family Relief Fund and how they were using the system.

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They found that:

  • 90% of those responding used the unit
  • 76% used it for music
  • 14% favored listing to books
  • 10% reported receiving the unit but had not yet used the device for various reasons. The study also found that:
  • 52% of participants had downloaded from the web site.
  • Some soldiers were using their own device to download content.
  • A small number were unsure as to how to download content. Conclusions:
  • While this is a small sample, it confirmed our belief that music helps those with sleep deprivation due to PTSD.
  • We need to address the downloading process so we will be developing an on line video tutorial on how to download content.

Xanax Order Overnight We thank Admiral, Paul Soderberg, (Retired) and the Landings Family Foundation for supporting this mission and sharing the results of the survey.