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Author: Songs & Stories (page 1 of 3)

Summary of Veterans Statistics for PTSD, TBI, Depression and Suicide.

  • As of September 2014, there are about 2.7 million American veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, compared to 2.6 million Vietnam veterans who fought in Vietnam; there are 8.2 million “Vietnam Era Veterans” (personnel who served anywhere during any time of the Vietnam War).
  • According to RAND, at least 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have PTSD and/or Depression.
  • A comprehensive analysis, published in 2014, found that for PTSD: “Among male and female soldiers aged 18 years or older returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, rates range from 9% shortly after returning from deployment to 31% a year after deployment.
  • PTSD is the third most prevalent psychiatric diagnosis among veterans.
  • 50% of those with PTSD do not seek treatment.
  • 19% of veterans may have traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Over 260,000 veterans having served in Iraq and Afghanistan so far have been diagnosed with TBI.
  • 7% of veterans have both post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury
  • Rates of post-traumatic stress are greater for these wars than prior conflicts
  • Recent statistical studies show that rates of veteran suicide are much higher than previously thought, as much 22 a day, up from a low of 18 per year in 2007, based on a 2012 VA Suicide Data Report.

Rehab Recovery offers resources for veterans affected by addiction and mental health issues. Contact Rehab Recovery here.

LMFRF Committed to Positively Affecting Lives

From the article:

As many of you know, the initial charter and purpose of the Fund have broadened. The Fund now is proactive in assisting soldiers with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury); we are in partnership with Armstrong State University and Savannah Technical College by providing scholarships; and we continue to look for other areas where we can broaden our reach.

Read the full article at

Responses to Songs and Stories for Soldiers’ MP3 Program

Sandusky, Ohio

Kevin Knappins, Program Ministry Director from our Sandusky, Ohio Salvation Army emailed this statement about the MP3 players at their 500 bed Retirement facility:

“The veterans are really enjoying them, the volunteers are downloading individual programming for each veteran. We presented the MP3 players on Veterans Day – we were able to show God’s love and see it reflected in the eyes of those we serve. It has been a blessing all around.”

Mr. Knappins reports that the retired veterans are continuously thanking us. Going on visitation at the Sandusky VA retirement facility and watching the veterans with their MP3 players is such a joy!

Cleveland, Ohio

Louis B. Stokes Veteran’s Hospital:

The Cleveland VA Hospital has been so grateful for the MP3 players. Some patients have been discharged and kept their MP3 players close by them. They have learned to work them and are amazed that they “got it.” One veteran says he carries his with him wherever he goes. The Cleveland Louis B. Stokes Hospital personnel indicates how meaningful and useful they have been for use in the chemotherapy lab. The veterans are able to somewhat relax as they are going through their treatment.

God Bless You and thank you!!!!

Major Diana Capanna, BSW, ACSW

The Philadelphia, PA VA

They were a hit with the veterans. They love them & use them all the time. They were really happy!

Brooklyn, NY VA

Yes, things went really well with the mp3 players! The veterans were so very glad to receive them and were thrilled by the nice additional gift. In fact, after we ran out we had people coming up and asking if there were more. So to say they were a hit would be an understatement.

Study: Military falls short in treating new cases of war-related stress

The U.S. military is struggling to provide adequate therapy sessions for thousands of active-duty troops suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, a massive study released Thursday concludes.

The RAND Corp. study of 40,000 cases, the largest ever, found that only a third of troops with PTSD and less than a quarter who are clinically depressed receive the minimum number of therapy sessions after being diagnosed.

Read the full article at

Dan & Gerri Perkins presentation at MOAA on Songs and Stories


Audio Book Benefits Songs and Stories for Soldiers

The Monkey Trial Judgement Day Book Comes Alive With the Release of the Audio Book, Narrated by Kathryn Raaker, Syndicated Radio and TV Personality

The Monkey Trial Judgment Day, written by Gerald Blumenthal Ph.D, is a fact-based book about Toni McTavish, a high-priced Chicago call girl whose attempt to start a new life in Houston is thwarted by a possessive client, his legal team and a highly-erratic judge. The inner-workings of the court room are exposed as the defense lawyer fights for the future of his client. The dramatic ending personifies the twists and turns of the American legal system as it deals with a deranged serial killer. When the story is combined with the music by David Swan Montgomery and the narration by Kathryn Raaker, it makes for an entertaining and enticing five-hour listening experience. This audio book is available on Amazon here. This book is being considered for a movie deal and TV series production.

song-stories-logo-small After learning of this engaging novel, three members of WIFV collaborated to benefit the nonprofit, Songs and Stories for Soldiers. This amazing organization, founded by author and financial advisor Daniel Perkins, provides MP3 players for active duty and wounded soldiers. The MP3 players provide access to thousands of audio books, songs and radio programs. Kathryn Raaker narrated the book by Gerald Blumenthal, David Swan Montgomery provided the original music, Bill Raaker edited the audio production and the proceeds of the book, plus a free download into the MP3 players are being donated to Songs and Stories for Soldiers. Visit the Songs and Stories for Soldiers website here.

“There are so many veterans and active duty soldiers that need this small token of appreciation from other Americans who support this organization. This is our way of giving back to them for their dedicated service and many times, the changes that are life altering,” Kathryn Raaker said.

New Report Shows Uptick in Military Suicides Last Summer

Suicides in the U.S. military showed an increase over the summer months last year for active and reserve components compared to the same period in 2014, in a possible departure from a slight downward trend, the Defense Department reported Monday.

For the third quarter of 2015, including the months of July, August and September, the number of suicides recorded for the active duty military was 72, compared to 57 in the third quarter of 2014.

Read the full article at

U.S. combat veterans not alone with brain injuries

Tens of thousands of American combat veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan with undiagnosed brain injuries often were “thrown into a canyon” — falling deeper into despair and sometimes flirting with suicide or addiction — before trying to get help, according to a Johns Hopkins University study.

Read the full article at

Psych groups offer historical perspective of war trauma

Two national psychology organizations are planning to offer online courses on war-related trauma for psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers who treat military personnel and veterans.

The four-part series, hosted by the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis and the American Psychoanalytic Association, will focus on the history of understanding combat-related mental health conditions to give providers “valuable insight into the impact war has on the human mind,” said Dennis Shelby, a therapist and Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis faculty member.

Read the full article at

2015 Year-End Update

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